Functions for common operations on matrices.
Some examples include constructing a block matrix, ensure positive definiteness, applying a function to individual blocks of a block matrix.
Applies the same function to each block in the block matrix mat. |
Creates a block diagonal matrix |
This function can easily be replaced by apply_blockwise. |
Generates a block matrix of toeplitz blocks from a set of columns and rows The values in the last axis for each (m,n) block is turned into a toeplitz matrix. |
Transposes each block individually in a block matrix. |
Applies the same function to each matrix in the array |
Symmetrizes mat if it is not already Hermitian |
Modifies mat to ensure it is positive semidefinite if it is not already. |
Returns true if mat is hermitian, false otherwise |
Deprecated, use is_hermitian instead |
Returns true if mat is positive definite, false otherwise |
Returns true if mat is positive semidefinite, false otherwise |
Solves a linear least squares problem with L2 regularization |
Either truncates or pads ar at the end with zeros, so that the length along axis is equal to length. |