Functions to design and compute filters
Can be used to obtain FIR filters from frequency responses. Also contains helper functions associated with the discrete Fourier transform.
[benestyStudy2013] J. Benesty and J. Chen, Study and design of differential microphone arrays, vol. 6. in Springer Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 6. Springer, 2013.
Calculates the relative truncation error of an impulse response The relative error is how much of the power of the impulse response that is lost by truncating. |
Filters the provided signal into third-octave bands using butterworth filters |
Constructs a FIR filter from frequency values |
Constructs a FIR filter from a frequency function |
Returns impulse response of a fractional delay filter using lagrange interpolation |
Calculates the minimum length you can truncate a filter to. |
Truncates the impulse response to the desired length Currently only works for two_sided=True and odd ir_len |