- aspcore.matrices.apply_blockwise(mat, func, out_shape, *args, num_blocks=None, block_size=None, separate_axis=False, dtype=<class 'float'>, **kwargs)
Applies the same function to each block in the block matrix mat. Assumes that the matrix mat is square, and each block is square.
Either num_blocks or block_size must be supplied.
- Parameters:
mat (ndarray of shape (a, a))
func (function) – function to be applied to each block, should return a matrix of shape out_shape
out_shape (tuple of ints or 'same') – if ‘same’, the output will be the same size as the input blocks
num_blocks (int, optional) – number of blocks in each dimension
block_size (int, optional) – size of each block
separate_axis (bool, optional) –
- if True, out_shape can be a scalar value or a tuple of any length
the output will be of shape (*out_shape, num_blocks, num_blocks)
- if False, out_shape must be length-2 tuple
the output will be of shape (num_blocks * out_shape[0], num_blocks * out_shape[1])
dtype (type)
kwargs (dict) – passed to func
- Returns:
out – or ndarray of shape (*out_shape, num_blocks, num_blocks)
- Return type:
ndarray of shape (num_blocks * out_shape[0], num_blocks * out_shape[1])